Plot: The story revolves around Hiroshi Inaba, a genetically altered part human and part wolf being. Inaba is also a private detective, who runs his angecy with the help his cross-dressing secretary, Yuta and his "mostly normal" teenaged assistant Kei. The plot mostly centers around the gang trying to arrest Don Valentino, a goat who literally eats money.
Impression: This anime is awesome and something tells me the excitement doesn't stop at episode 1. It has everything you can ask for from an anime series it has action, comedy, awesome characters, and a cute factor.
The main characters we've met so far are:
- Hiroshi Inaba- He is a half human half wolf private detective, who learn information about a person by tasting their hair. He once worked for the police but left to start his on detective agency.
- YĆ«ta Sasak- He is a cross-dressing young boy who serves as Inaba's secretary.
- Kei Nozaki- He is a 16-year old teenaged boy who is also an assistant to Inaba.
- Kuniharu Ogino- He is a top inspector with the police force, who was partnered with Inaba, back when he was with the police.
- Don Valentino- He is a goat villain who is the head of the mafia. He make counterfeit bills and steals and eats the real ones.
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