Plot: The protagonist, Eita Kidou, is a high school freshman with excellent grades and a disdain for love. He used to live a regular school life with his childhood friend, Chiwa Harusaki, a girl who's nearly a sister to him, but then one day the school's most beautiful girl, Masuzu Natsukawa, confesses to him. However, her true desire is only to fool the eyes of others and pretend to be a couple. With a certain secret of his in Masuzu's hands, Eita is forced to play along… But a fierce battle over Eita begins as his ex-girlfriend, Himeka, and his fiancé, Ai, join the fray!!”
Impression: This go to be an awesome anime I can tell, episode 1 is so great I love it. Poor Eita-kun if he doesn't do as Masuzu says his secrets are out. I can tell this is going to be a Romantic and Funny anime.
Characters we know so far:
- Eita Kidou- He's just a normal highschool boy who wants to go to med school after graduating from high school. He is very smart and always places at the top of the class during term exams.He also hates love due to the fact his parents got divorced and left him.(middle)
- Chiwa Harusaki- She is Eita's energetic childhood friend.(right)
- Masuzu Natsukawa- She is Eita's classmate who spent nine years overseas. She is currently blackmailing Eita because she is sick of love and want him to be her boyfriend so boys can stop asking her out.
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